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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Flying Season Returns

After getting several days of rain last week, the BLM cleared the launch site for use. The weather forecast looked good for Saturday, so yesterday was our first launch of the fall season.

My daughter got to launch her new Dark Star Mini on a Cesaroni 84-G88-1A to 1754'. The expected altitude was 2287', but the wind was blowing pretty good when she flew and that likely had a significant effect.

After recovering the DS Mini I flew Flying Colors on its ninth flight. I loaded an 819J354-16A, the highest impulse motor I expect to be able to load in this rocket and sent it to 8091' AGL, a new personal best. In addition to my AltimeterOne, I had my new AltimeterTwo mounted and was looking forward to getting data from it, but due to some delays after I armed it, it apparently timed out and turned itself off before launch. This flight was projected to be supersonic and I really wanted to see if I made it. I'll have to wait for spring now to see if I'm actually exceeding Mach 1 as predicted and to test if I exceed the single-axis G limit of the AltimeterTwo, as none of my remaining reloads for this season will do either of those jobs. In addition to my altimeters I was once again flying one of Vern's prototype "Kate" nose cones. She performed up to her usual high standards and did an excellent job reporting the events of my flight. Thanks to the landing coordinates she provided I was able to once again walk right to Flying Colors, which was recovered in excellent condition.

Unfortunately, due to other commitments, we were unable to stay for the entire day. The winds were calming as we left and it looked like a number of big rockets and motors were being prepped for flight.

Photo Album: 2011-10-08, Tripoli Idaho Rocketry 

Video: 2011-10-08, Tripoli Idaho Rocketry Launch Montage

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